An open letter from the left to the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Steering Committee against the Nomination of Steve Hedley

Follow this link to sign the petition We, the undersigned, are members of the anti-capitalist and working class movement who are deeply disappointed and dismayed by the decision of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition to approve the nomination of Steve Hedley as TUSC candidate for the East Ham South Ward local election for Newham Council on May 22. As the Steering Committee will be fully aware, Hedley was recently and publicly accused by Caroline Leneghan of serious domestic abuse.TUSC’s decision to stand him as a candidate is in direct contravention to the principles of women’s liberation which all trade unionists and socialists should support and defend. The abuse of women is a widespread problem within our society. In order to oppose this, the left and the labour movement must support women when they have the courage to come forward. We must not continue to place abusers in prominent positions within our movement. We therefore demand that The TUSC Steering Committee: 1.Publicly repudiate their support for Steve Hedley in the upcoming election and commit to not supporting his candidacy in future; 2. Extend their solidarity to Caroline Leneghan, and all victims of domestic abuse; 3. Make a future commitment to ensuring that the TUSC Candidate selection process takes a zero tolerance approach to gender violence. Please click this link to the petition and sign it 

2 Comments on An open letter from the left to the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Steering Committee against the Nomination of Steve Hedley

  1. Even if he didn’t do it, with these accusations his chances of winning are hampered. If he did do it, why the hell would we want to be ruled by such a person. Vile if guilty, political suicide either way. TUSC should be above such rookie mistakes, c’mon!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. womensfightback17 // 04/26/2014 at 8:46 am //

    Some more details for those who doubt this is a serious case – and also it is not the only issue of sexism with Hedley

    The left and women’s rights: why the case of Steve Hedley is as serious as the case of Martin Smith


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